NWORTH Trial Data Systems


This page contains links to the NWORTH trial systems.

For more information about NWORTH please click here

Welcome to the NWORTH trial systems site

These links are to the live and training database systems:

Macro v4 Data Entry Access MACRO User Guide
Sequential randomisation System Access Sequential Randomisation User Guide
List based randomisation System Access List-based Randomisation User Guide

If you have lost/forgotten your username or password please contact nworth it support, either by email or phone

If you discover a problem with the system please contact your trial manager.

If you require a username but have not yet received it please contact your trial manager.

Links for researchers

These links are for NWORTH staff

  1. Ticket System and wiki (including measure library) click here

  2. Daily Reports click here

Links for Staff

Use these links if the username you have been given contains a TEST.

These systems are for the in progress development systems

  1. macro 4 dev click here

Links for Development Systems